I am not sure what Shepard is doing in Shepherdstown. The Contemporary American Theater Festival held there is dedicated to performing ‘new American plays.’ There’s nothing new to me about Sam Shepard’s play Heartless; it seems distinctly old hat. I went back to a review I wrote of one of his plays for my college newspaper in 1970, and a number of the things I wrote about that play (The Holy Ghostly) could be said about Heartless. I commented how characters migrate into each other, how they become composites of various characters, how there is no predictable logic to their interactions, and how the drama loses the sense of being story-telling about distinct persons. I compared what Shepard did to abstract painting. And, on the evidence of Heartless, it’s still true.
Cassie Beck,
Contemporary American Theater Festival,
Edward Albee,
Eugene Ionseco,
Harold Pinter,
Kathleen Butler,
Luigi Pirandello,
Margot White,
Michael Cullen,
Sam Shephard,
Samuel Beckett,
Susannah Hoffman,
The Holy Ghostly,
Theater of the Absurd Comments Off on Old Hat But Interesting: Shepard’s HEARTLESS at Shepherdstown’s CATF |
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Posted on March 26, 2004, 6:38 pm, by Jack L. B. Gohn, under
The Big Picture.
Laws lots of people support and lots of people disagree with. How you do or do not comply helps determine how legitimate these laws are.
1968 proposed amended Maryland Constitution,
Acapulco Gold,
Alice B. Toklas,
Broken Laws,
civil disobedience,
consent by estoppel,
Debatable Laws,
Declaration of Independence,
due process,
Henry David Thoreau,
just powers,
Justice Antonin Scalia,
Justice Scalia,
Luigi Pirandello,
majority of one,
Maryland Constitution,
Right You Are If You Think You Are,
Thomas Jefferson,
U.S. Constitution Comments Off on Debatable Laws |
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