Posts Tagged ‘Genesis’

Full Faith and Accreditation

So I think there’s a good case to be made that the accrediting associations are state actors. And if I’m right about that, then it would be hard for accrediting associations to do what Penn Professor Peter Conn suggests, and de-accredit schools that require faculty to pledge a belief in the literal inerrancy of Scripture.

Two Trees

In the world of Genesis, knowing the difference between good and evil seems to be a bad thing. Adam and Eve develop what in English we call modesty, the sense that some things should stay private, which they experience as embarrassment. And somehow that makes them God-like. And even more confusingly, God treats this as a bad thing, objecting as if He were afraid of the competition. What a thematic mess, at least for a modern-day Christian!

Beachheads and Enclaves

Same-sex marriage and public acceptance of legal equality for LGBT folk has broken out of the beachhead phase; defenders of inequality have turned to erecting enclaves for discrimination like the failed “religious freedom” law in Arizona. Marijuana legalization is still in the beachhead phase. We’ll know it’s broken out when enclaves start being built against that. But redoubts almost never hold.

Telling the Truth About Telling the Truth

The constraints on truthtelling by lawyers.