Posts Tagged ‘Joseph Stalin’

Tiananmen to Tahrir to … Capitol Square?

If the right of public employees to unionize is recognized as a human right, whatever is or is not in the constitution, then it cannot legitimately be one of the things Gov. Walker was elected to obliterate. Hence, to the extent he tries to do so, he will in fact be seen as illegitimate, no matter how legitimately elected. This is the point the Capitol Square crowds are trying to make with their quotation from the Middle East uprisings.

War Powers, War Lies: Part 5: Outgunned

Without the aid of the courts, Congress is no match for the Executive. Presidents decide, period. Congress, outgunned by the Executive and deserted by the Judiciary, goes along. The Framers would have been dismayed.

War Powers, War Lies: Part 4: Willingly Deceived

The Big Picture Home Page | Previous Big Picture Column |  Next Big Picture Column   War Powers Page | Previous War Powers Column | Next War Powers Column  War Powers, War Lies: A Series  Part 4: Willingly Deceived     Published in the Maryland Daily Record April 29, 2005             Last time, we considered the dishonesty of President Lyndon Johnson in […]