Posted on February 1, 2010, 10:34 pm, by Jack L. B. Gohn, under
The Big Picture.
Do we want our presidents empowered to imprison people simply for their beliefs?
Al Quaeda,
anti-Muslim bigotry,
Barack Obama,
Boumediene v. Bush,
Combatant Status Review Tribunals,
Dwight Eisenhower,
George Washington,
Hamdi v. Rumsfeld,
law of war,
Third Geneva Convention,
Ulysses Grant,
war 1 Comment |
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Next I Read The News Entry Seems Like Old Times in Afghanistan They say that President Obama is meeting with platoons of advisors to determine whether and if so how to carry on that conflict. To those of us old enough to remember Vietnam, it all seems eerily familiar. Take one Democratic president, elected with […]
Posted on September 26, 2009, 7:04 pm, by Jack L. B. Gohn, under
The Big Picture.
It is tempting to view the stories told in [Eric] Boehlert’s two books, one chronicling the failure of the mainstream media to report the news and the other revealing the success of the blogs in doing so, as being parts of the same story. Maybe the mainstream media would not be failing from a business perspective were they not, most of the time, failing from a news-reporting perspective as well. Maybe the blogs would not be succeeding, albeit under their mostly profit-agnostic criteria, were they not beginning to seize the standard of bona fide reporting falling from the grasp of the mainstream media as they tumble lifeless upon the field of economic battle.
Abu Ghraib,
Alaskan secessionism,
Barack Obama,
Bill Clinton,
Bloggers on the Bus,
Bridge to Nowhere,
broadcast news,
Bruce Wilson,
cable news,
CBS News,
Chris Matthews,
CIA prisons,
cling to guns or religion,
Eric Boehlert,
First Amendment,
Hillary Clinton,
Huffington Post,
Iowa caucuses,
John Hagee,
Katie Couric,
Mark Crispin Miller,
Mayhill Fowler,
New Hampshire primary,
New York Times,
Sarah Palin,
Todd Purdum,
viral videos,
warrantless wiretaps,
Washington Post,
White House press briefing room Comments Off on Picking Up the Flag |
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Posted on June 28, 2009, 7:18 am, by Jack L. B. Gohn, under
The Big Picture.
Just Following Orders [I]t can never be maintained that a military officer can justify himself for doing an unlawful act, by producing the order of his superior. Chief Justice Taney, Mitchell v. Harmony, 54 U.S. 115, 137 (1851)[1] Last time, we started with the premise that the MPs who abused the detainees […]
Abu Ghraib,
Adolf Eichmann,
Barack Obama,
Central Intelligence Agency,
Chief Justice Taney,
Dick Cheney,
Director of Central Intelligence Leon Panetta,
Justice Department,
Leon Panetta,
Mitchell v. Harmony,
Nuremberg Defense,
Nuremberg Principles,
Nuremberg Trials,
President Barack Obama,
Richard Cheney,
Roger B. Taney,
Vice President Richard Cheney,
war crimes,
Yugoslavia Comments Off on Just Following Orders |
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Posted on October 27, 2008, 2:56 pm, by Jack L. B. Gohn, under
The Big Picture.
Will our next President reverse the dangerous overextension of executive power? Michael Traynor’s talk at the American Law Institute conjures up memories of ancient Rome.
American Law Institute,
Barack Obama,
Cass Sunstein,
Congressional Quarterly,
David Nather,
dictator in perpetuo,
firing of U.S. Attorneys,
Geneva Conventions,
Glen Greenwald,
governmental secrecy,
habeas corpus,
illegal surveillance,
indefinite detention,
John McCain,
Julius Caesar,
Laurence Tribe,
Michael Traynor,
Restatements of the Law,
Roman committees,
Roman consuls,
Roman Empire,
Roman kings,
Roman magistracy,
Roman proconsuls,
Roman Senate,
Roman tribunate,
separation of powers,
Uniform Acts Comments Off on Caesar in the Wings? |
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Posted on July 28, 2008, 6:40 pm, by Jack L. B. Gohn, under
The Big Picture.
All over the political spectrum, people are slow to comprehend, quick to take offense at the Barry Blitt New Yorker cover of the fist-bumping Obamas. Can’t Take A Joke? Apparently not.
Angela Davis,
Anthony Williams,
Barack Obama,
Barry Blitt,
Claire Huxtable,
David Howard,
John McCain,
Michele Obama,
Rudy Guiliani,
Ryan Lizza,
Sophia Nelson,
Swift Boaters,
the N-word,
The National Review,
The New Yorker,
The Politics of Fear Comments Off on Can’t Take A Joke? |
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Posted on April 27, 2007, 8:07 pm, by Jack L. B. Gohn, under
The Big Picture.
The Big Picture Home Page | Previous Big Picture Column | Next Big Picture Column Unfunny Imus It was certainly legal to fire Don Imus. He was employed by private employers (at least to the extent that public corporations whose stock in trade is use of public airwaves can realistically be called private), so by […]
Al Sharpton,
Barack Obama,
Denzel Washington,
Don Imus,
First Amendment,
Halle Berry,
Jesse Jackson,
Lady Knights,
racial humor,
Rutgers University,
shock jocks,
Tawana Brawley Comments Off on Unfunny Imus |
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