Bad Judg(e)ment

Bad Judg(e)ment


          This three-part series was one of the first things I did upon starting the column.  Many of the points I made here were ones the Editorial Board (understandably) was reluctant to make.  And one reason I started the column was to say just such things.


          The fact is, our judges can be a stumbling block to justice.  They do and they are, far too often. These pieces scratch the surface a little.

  • We lawyers know who the bad judges are.  But professional discretion muzzles us, and ignorance stays the hand of the press.  Belling the Cat (July 2004).
  • A judge takes a drag on a joint and exhales an enormous controversy.  Peccant Judges (August 2004).
  • It is not a good thing that judges push litigants and counsel so hard to settle cases.  The “Disappeared” Trial (September 2004).

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