Posts Tagged ‘Thomas Jefferson’

In Praise of Foreign Moods

We should attend to what other countries do and think – just as they should be looking at us. Nobody’s too dumb to teach or too smart to learn, whatever Justices Thomas and Scalia may say. As antidotes to “exceptionalism,” consider the burqa — and consider Roman Polanski.

War Powers, War Lies: Part 2: Imperfect War

Thus the Supreme Court’s solution to the problem here was to rely on Congressional authorization of war as a sufficient substitute for Congressional declaration of war. The Court never directly addressed the ship-owner’s point that the Constitution speaks only of declarations of war, not of authorizations. The Framers would have been spinning in their graves.

Debatable Laws

Laws lots of people support and lots of people disagree with. How you do or do not comply helps determine how legitimate these laws are.