Posts Tagged ‘Catholic’

Bat’s Squeak

I knew now that I had a susceptibility. I might never act on it, but I had it. What I did not have, it soon emerged, was a job.

Earworms, Musical and Otherwise

Around 1:30 on the Sunday morning, someone mishandled a cigarette near some combustible Christmas decorations. The ground floor was promptly engulfed in flames, which then quickly spread up the one stairway to the second floor. People on the second floor were trapped. Many jumped from the window, some were pushed from the window by frantic partygoers behind them …

A Celebration of the Life of the Deceased, Or Not, As the Case May Be …

For the funeral, his daughters put together a tape of short excerpts from songs the man had loved. We were freed up to love him again in a way that would not have been possible without this aid. Damn straight we were celebrating his life! Do I think God felt slighted or envious? Do I think God was worried we were focusing our attention in the wrong place? Uh, nooo.